Tis the Season To Be… Healthy
45 Per Cent Of Brits Get Early Start and Adopt Healthy Habits in December by Eating Mushrooms Enriched with Vitamin D
- Health and immunity are more important to Brits than ever before in December
- MUSHROOMS top Brits’ Christmas shopping lists as the most popular vegetable bought in store
- Mushroom sales soar due to vitamin D enrichment
- Eating more fruit and veg, increasing exercise and obtaining essential vitamins are Brits’ top three priorities this year
- 42 per cent of Brits choosing plant-based Christmas dinner due to health benefits
New research has revealed Brits are getting a head start to their January resolutions, with 45 per cent adopting healthy eating habits in December[1].
In fact, Brits are experiencing a renewed focus on health this year due to the ongoing pandemic, with 2.3 million ‘healthy recipe’ searches online in 2020 according to the new Waitrose report.
Mushrooms is also a significant source of vitamin D. A key vitamin essential to support a normal immune system, vitamin D plays a vital role in keeping our bones healthy as it works to regulate our intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
But only a third of Brits understand how vitamin D benefits the body and our health[2].
When exposed to the sun, mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as a health supplement. Much like our skin, they transform ultraviolet light from the sun into the vitamin and continue to do so even after they have been harvested.
In addition, 42 per cent of people will even be choosing a plant-based Christmas dinner this year because they feel it is the healthier choice for them and their family.
Nutritionist Rob Hobson, says that those looking to eat more healthily over the Christmas period should consider adding mushrooms to their diet as they are the only vegetarian food that can make vitamin D.
He explains: “To boost health in December it’s important to remember that our bodies need ample nutrition and protection – particularly during the colder months to fight sickness, boost the immune system and improve mental wellbeing.
“As we prepare to spend less time in the daylight this winter, it is important that explore different ways of finding how to best get what our bodies need, which is in fact, more vitamin D.
“The easiest way you can adopt better healthy habits and consume more vitamin D is through diet. One of my recommendations would be eating more mushrooms, as they are the only veggie and vegan friendly source of vitamin D, compared to the likes of oily fish and eggs.”
The latest NHS[3] advice urges the public to consider increasing their vitamin D intake from 5 micrograms to 10 micrograms.
More than 2.5 million Brits are set to receive free vitamin D this winter, yet many Brits are unaware that eating just eight vitamin D enriched mushrooms a day would provide your daily recommended amount.
In fact, national surveys carried out across the UK have found 1 in 5 Brits are vitamin D deficient[4].
Rob also shares a useful tip, saying, “If you can’t get your hands on vitamin D enriched mushrooms and can only find regular mushrooms, place them outside on the window sill when the sun is out and they develop higher levels of vitamin D.”
Research commissioned by the UK & Ireland Mushroom Producers, a partnership between British and Irish mushroom farmers and producers, found that Brits are prioritising doing more exercise (50 per cent), eating more vegetables and fruit (42 per cent), and getting more vitamin D into their diet (30 per cent) during December[5].
With eating more vegetables high on consumers agenda this Christmas, fresh new data has revealed that MUSHROOMS are the most popular vegetable to buy in store.
[1] 72 point survey opinion matters (mushrooms) – 14th December 2020
[2] www.healtheuropa.eu/65-of-brits-lack-vitamin-d/96785/
[3] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/vitamin-d/
[4] Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Depression is linked to low levels of the sunshine vitamin | Express.co.uk
[5] 72 point survey opinion matters (mushrooms) – 14th December 2020

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