Make it a Mushroom Moment
Read about the Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms at Make it a Mushroom Moment

Summer BBQ brings colleagues together on UK & Irish sites

Each of our UK & Irish teams recently hosted a summer BBQ featuring delicious MBio Meat Free burgers and Blended burgers.
The event was organised to express gratitude to our amazing colleagues & to facilitate a relaxed atmosphere for everyone to enjoy some refreshments together.

Tyholland Coffee Morning

The HelloHowAreYou campaign asks individuals to say Hello and ask the question 'How Are You?' in a meaningful way.

Asking this small question and having one conversation can make a real difference in someone's life.

View images from the Tyholland Coffee Morning event »

pieta Darkness into Light 2023

Thank you to all who took part in Darkness into Light 2023!

Phone: 1800 247 247
Text: HELP to 51444

Wellbeing Week


Each year we celebrate Wellbeing week with the aim to promote and improve employee wellbeing in a variety of ways. This year Wellbeing week ran from 6th to 10th September and focused on improved fitness, positive mental health, hydration and self-care. As part of the MONAGHAN MOVE IT CHALLENGE we hosted a Spinathon at Tyholland in memory of our beloved colleague Brian Grimley with proceeds going to Macmillian Cancer support.

The Wellbeing Week MONAGHAN MOVE IT CHALLENGE in aid of Macmillian Cancer Support took place on Wednesday 8th September in Tyholland. Five stationary bikes were cycled continuously from 10am to 4.20pm by 88 employees, clocking up a total of 770 km, this smashed our 2019’s record of 572km.

We are thrilled to announce the total figure raised by MONAGHAN in aid of MACMILLIAN CANCER SUPPORT is €12,280

CEO Paul Wilson encouraged cyclists on the day with a prize for the person who cycled the furthest in the allotted time. Fantastic effort was put in by all who participated and 4 of our fittest employees were rewarded with vouchers.

Many of our generous suppliers donated incredible prizes and vouchers to our employee raffle.  We would like to extend a huge thank you to the many individuals and companies who supported this event.

Miles for Monaghan

Monaghan Mushrooms has made a €2,358 donation to the Irish Heart Foundation, a national charity fighting stroke and heart disease.

The money was raised at a recent “Miles for Monaghan” spinathon held at Monaghan Mushrooms HQ in Tyholland as part of Wellbeing Week.  We had four stationary bikes cycled continuously between 10am and 3pm. 60 employees took part in the cycle clocking up 1,200 minutes of cycling.

Wellbeing Week raises money for the Irish Heart Foundation

Pictured above is Paul Wilson, Monaghan Mushrooms presenting the cheque to Mairead McMeel from the Irish Heart Foundation.